Vila Elisabeta
Street Aleea Vilelor, no. 4, Alba Iulia, Alba County, România
- Single: 160 lei/night (~36 €)
- Twin/double : 180 lei/night (~40,5 €)
- Superior double: 250 lei/night (~56,25 €)
- Apartment: 330 lei/night (~74,25 €)
- Extra bed: 55 lei/night (~12,37 €)
Transilvannya Inn
Street Aleea Vilelor, no. 4, Alba Iulia, Alba County, România
- Single: 160 lei/night (~36 €)
- Twin/double : 180 lei/night (~40,5 €)
- Superior double: 250 lei/night (~56,25 €)
- Apartment: 330 lei/night (~74,25 €)
- Extra bed: 55 lei/night (~12,37 €)
Hotel Tara
Street Alexandru Ioan Cuza, no. 25, Alba Iulia, Alba County, România
- Twin: 150 lei/night (~33,75 €)
- Triple: 190 lei/night (~42,75 €)
General conditions for the accommodation units listed above
- Reservations are made directly by phone (0729.881.395 – Vila Elisabeta reception – for all of the above locations), mentioning „for the bridge contest”.
Prices include breakfast
Prices do not include the city fees listed below
- According to the Local Council Decision no. 436 of 20.12.2018, Article 32, paragraph 14, starting with 01.01. 2018, tourist promotion fee of 4.7 lei/person/night (~1,06 €) will be applied in Alba Iulia. This fee is added to the accommodation rate for all persons over the age of 12 plus the rescue tax of 1 leu/person/night (~0,23 €) for all persons except pensioners who present the coupon at the unit’s reception.
Special offer for junior accomodation
- 30 lei/person/night (~6,75 €)
- bed in the 10-person room
- bathroom in the hallway
- Contact phones for junior reservation:
- Monica Gârneață: (+40)740-078331
- Marius Orosan: (+40)745-636596
- hostels of Theological Seminar and Alexandru Domșa college